Friday, June 28, 2013

#52 molds

MOLDS!!! MOLDS!!! MOLDS!!! The one certain part of being a bronze sculptor is your molds will soon creep into your basement and take up all of your storage spaces. Until they can scan large scale sculptures and carve in a hollow 1/4 inch wax with some laser printer we will be buying a lot of rubber and plaster, I'm sure we will be there soon though. The latest project I'm working on is for the Norfolk Veterans Park. It is only a single kneeling figure, but there are 14 mold parts! It was up until one year ago that I was doing all of the mold making myself until I got too busy and tired to continue doing it. Mold making is a business in itself and Loveland has a few professional mold makers that can handle any job you give them and I have turned to one of them in particular as he is quick and consistently does an excellent job. I believe that if you are looking to break into the sculpture business and you live in a sculpture community, learn the craft of making good molds and you will have more work than you can handle, just don't let it take over your life!